Assalamu'alaikum.... sekarang kita bahas sedikit ttg menampilkan teks di halaman web.
kalian cukup tulis aja mau nampilin apa di halaman web, ga perlu lah ada syntax syntax atau tag.... misal
Hello, ini di tulis di tag html loh
Its so easy.. :))
nah kalo disini kalian perlu pake syntax..
echo "Helo, ini ditulis di php loh";
print "ini juga ditulis di php";
Nah, kalo di running pastinya bakal keluar Helo, ini ditulis di php lohini juga ditulis di php
Kalo kita mau enter, kita bisa pake html tag <br> caranya gini
echo "Helo, ini ditulis di php loh";
print "ini juga ditulis di php";
Ribet kaann?? Bayangin kalo kamu mau nampilin teks dengan bnyak line :/
hhaa tenang tenang kita bisa kok pake fungsi echo, kyk gini:
echo "Helo, ini ditulis di php loh <br>";
print "ini juga ditulis di php";
Lebih simple kan?
jadi, tag html apapun bisa di gunakan di dalam tag php kok, asal tag html berada di dalam string echo/print...
Ok see u next time :*
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Kenalan dulu sama PHP
Diny Syarifah
Assalamu'alaikum, aduh sering lupa yah mau posting, maklum karena sekarang jarang pake modem, ini juga posting lewat hp :D
Oh iya kali ini aku mau bahas sedikit tentang php nih. Php itu pemberi harapan palsu!! *ehh kok curhat yah :)). Php itu adalah bahasa pemrograman yg menghasilkan web dinamis. *singkatnya sih itu :D
Intinya disini kita bisa manipulasi web dg php, meskipun tampilan dimainin html, tp ttp ya dalang perubahan nya si php...
nah s php itu wajib pke tag kyk gini
Pernah ditanya bisa ga sih kalo cuma gini doang:
Bisa kok bisa, codingan masih bisa work, tapiiii... bberapa server 'katanya' ga bisa baca kayak gini. Tapi sampai sekarang aku aman-aman aja tuh.. ohh mungkin karena jarang pake php kali yaa :D
Ok, see u next code :p Artikel
Oh iya kali ini aku mau bahas sedikit tentang php nih. Php itu pemberi harapan palsu!! *ehh kok curhat yah :)). Php itu adalah bahasa pemrograman yg menghasilkan web dinamis. *singkatnya sih itu :D
Intinya disini kita bisa manipulasi web dg php, meskipun tampilan dimainin html, tp ttp ya dalang perubahan nya si php...
nah s php itu wajib pke tag kyk gini
Pernah ditanya bisa ga sih kalo cuma gini doang:
Bisa kok bisa, codingan masih bisa work, tapiiii... bberapa server 'katanya' ga bisa baca kayak gini. Tapi sampai sekarang aku aman-aman aja tuh.. ohh mungkin karena jarang pake php kali yaa :D
Ok, see u next code :p Artikel
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Diny Syarifah
Hello :))
Kemarin aku sudah bahas sedikit ttg HTML dasar d lab sampai pembuatan tabel, sekarang aku akan share pemahaman dasar dan kerangka pengkodean...
Oh iya, bagi yg baru belajar bisa merapat, kalo yang udah ngerti atau expert maafin aja ya kali bikin bosen hhee....
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) itu bukanlah bahasa pemrograman yang difungsikan untuk memanipulasi data. HTML itu di fungsikan/digunakan untuk membuat tampilan sebuah web.
Dalam HTML kita gunakan tag yg ada dlm siku ("<>") yg di lengkapi atribut-atribut. Atribut itu merupakan bagian dari sebuah tag dimana atribut dapat di modifikasi sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan atau butuhkan.
Penulisan dasar:
Bagian kepala web page
Isi web page
Nah untuk penulisan tag sendiri seperti berikut:
<tag atribut>
Tag itu di bagi dua, ada yg memiliki pasangan dan ada yg jomblo *ehh :D
Tag pasangan itu tag yg memiliki pasangan tag di akhir/tag penutup. Misal tag <body> dia harus diakhiri dengan </body> untuk menandakan daerah body.
Tag single/jomblo merupakan tag yg tidak perlu menggunakan tag penutup, misalnya <br> untuk tag enter.
Untuk file extensi .html sendiri meskipun file kosong masih bisa di running kok :))
Oh iya bagi yg blm tau bagaimana cara runningnya, kalo pake appserv maka file.html di simpan di c/appserv/www sedangkan yg pake xampp simpan di c/xampp/htdocs
Pemanggilannya di browser cukup localhost/file.html tapi kalo pake folder dulu dlm htdocs/www nya, gunakan localhost/namaFolder/file.html. dan yg mesti diingat, menamai folder dan file jangan menggunakan spas, bintang atau slash, jika ingin gunakan saja underscroll :))
Oke, sampai jumpa di bahasan syntax pemrograman web nanti. See you :* Artikel
Kemarin aku sudah bahas sedikit ttg HTML dasar d lab sampai pembuatan tabel, sekarang aku akan share pemahaman dasar dan kerangka pengkodean...
Oh iya, bagi yg baru belajar bisa merapat, kalo yang udah ngerti atau expert maafin aja ya kali bikin bosen hhee....
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) itu bukanlah bahasa pemrograman yang difungsikan untuk memanipulasi data. HTML itu di fungsikan/digunakan untuk membuat tampilan sebuah web.
Dalam HTML kita gunakan tag yg ada dlm siku ("<>") yg di lengkapi atribut-atribut. Atribut itu merupakan bagian dari sebuah tag dimana atribut dapat di modifikasi sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan atau butuhkan.
Penulisan dasar:
Bagian kepala web page
Isi web page
Nah untuk penulisan tag sendiri seperti berikut:
<tag atribut>
Tag itu di bagi dua, ada yg memiliki pasangan dan ada yg jomblo *ehh :D
Tag pasangan itu tag yg memiliki pasangan tag di akhir/tag penutup. Misal tag <body> dia harus diakhiri dengan </body> untuk menandakan daerah body.
Tag single/jomblo merupakan tag yg tidak perlu menggunakan tag penutup, misalnya <br> untuk tag enter.
Untuk file extensi .html sendiri meskipun file kosong masih bisa di running kok :))
Oh iya bagi yg blm tau bagaimana cara runningnya, kalo pake appserv maka file.html di simpan di c/appserv/www sedangkan yg pake xampp simpan di c/xampp/htdocs
Pemanggilannya di browser cukup localhost/file.html tapi kalo pake folder dulu dlm htdocs/www nya, gunakan localhost/namaFolder/file.html. dan yg mesti diingat, menamai folder dan file jangan menggunakan spas, bintang atau slash, jika ingin gunakan saja underscroll :))
Oke, sampai jumpa di bahasan syntax pemrograman web nanti. See you :* Artikel
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Holiday in Lombok
Diny Syarifah
Hi guys :)
How r u today??
This is a picture of me when I was in Lombok.
The beach is very beautiful. There is no jam. Was cultured. I advise you to visit Lombok. It's a wonderful area in Indonesia. I love my Indonesia ... diverse beauty that is in all countries have ... ** Hugs and kisses to Indonesia...
Teminology of Cryptography
Diny Syarifah
In cryptography we will often find the terms below, here is the understanding by Rinaldi Munir of his book entitled "Cryptography":
- The message, plaintext and ciphertext
Message is data or information that can be read and understood its meaning. Another name for the message is plaintext. So that messages can not be read by anyone other meaning, the message needs to encoded into other forms that can not be understood. Form of encrypted message is ciphertext. Through the opposite process ciphertext can be transformed back into the original plaintext. - Sender and Receiver
Data communication involves the exchange of messages between two entities. Sender is the entity that sent a message to other entities. Recipient is the entity that receives the message. Entities here can be a person, computer or other. - Encryption and Decryption
The process of encrypting plaintext into ciphertext is called encryption. While the process of restoring the original plaintext into ciphertext is called decryption. - Cipher and key
Cipher encryption algorithm also called the rules for enchipering and dechipering or mathematical function used for encryption and descriptions. Modern cryptography uses a key in this algorithm is no longer a secret. Is a key parameter that is used for encryption decryption transformation. Key is usually a string or row of numbers. - Cryptography System
Cryptographic system is composed of a collection of cryptographic algorithms, all possible plaintext and ciphertext and key. - Bugs
Bugs are people trying to get the message during transmission. Tapper goal is to get as much information about the cryptographic system used to communicate with the intent to break the ciphertext. - Cryptanalysis and Cryptology
Cryptanalysis is the science and art to break the ciphertext into plaintext without knowing the key used. The culprit is called cryptanalyst. Cryptology is the study of cryptography and cryptanalysis.
History Of Cryptography
Diny Syarifah

History of cryptography is largely a history of classical cryptography, the encryption method using paper and pencil or perhaps with the help of a simple mechanical device. In general, classical cryptography algorithm is divided into two, namely the algorithm transpose (change the order of the letters in the message) and substitution algorithm (replacing a letter with another letter).
In the 17th century, the history of cryptography noted the victim when the queen of Scotland, Queen Mary beheaded after a secret letter from behind bars that it was a plan to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I successfully solved by a code breaker. In World War II, Nazi German government made a machine called Enigma encryption. But the machine was successfully solved by the allies and the success of this machine is often said to solve sebgai factors that shorten World War II.
Modern cryptography is triggered by the development of the digital computer equipment. With a digital computer, the more complex chipper is very likely to be generated. Unlike classical cryptography to encrypt character by character, modern cryptography and operates on binary strings. Artikel
Diny Syarifah
Hi everybody :)
Tonight I will discuss a bit about cryptography. I like cryptography, cryptography is part of Process data security and makes me comfortable in data communications.
Cryptography comes from the Greek meaning cryptos confidential and graphein meaning writing. Cryptography is the science that studies the writing in secret using techniques metematika related to aspects of information security such as: validity, data integrity, and authentication data.
Cryptography destination
There are four fundamental goal of cryptography is the science which is also an aspect of information security, namely:
Confidentiality is a service used to keep the contents of the information of anyone other than who has the authority or the secret key to unlock / peeling the information has been encoded. Data integrity, is associated with preservation of data changes unauthorized. To maintain the integrity of the data, the system must have the ability to detect data manipulation by parties who are not entitled to, such as insertion, deletion, and other data pensubsitusian into the actual data.
Authentication, is related to the identification / recognition, both the unity and the information system itself. The two parties must communicate with each other to introduce themselves. Information transmitted through a channel should be authenticated authenticity, data contents, delivery time, and others.
Non-repudiation, is an attempt to prevent denial of shipment / creation of an information by the transmit / make.
I Love Cryptography :*
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